We constantly give power to our negative thoughts, sometimes we think that bad things will happen if we decide to do something we feel deep down and we often lose the control of our lives for this very reason, without realizing that are exactly those thoughts that influence our choices and life.
This way of thinking generates FEAR AND SUFFERING.

I have noticed that in life it is possible for two people to experience the same situation, but even though they suffer from the same thing, because of their ATTITUDE, THEIR THOUGHTS AND WAYS OF SEEING, one person suffers more while the one enlightened by the wisdom of life enters into a status where the energy is so high that patience accompanies him/her in the right direction, where they will focus on the strength of their mind, to obtain the right energy to overcome the obstacle.

We shouldn’t let our mind leading us to do unwise actions.

”The awakening of the mind is the root of all happiness and peace and the greater our mental peace will be, the more pleasant the atmosphere around us will be >>..

It requires a lot of effort and concentration in every single moment, but only in this way our distracted mind will become aware and consequently our choices will be conscious .

Even making mistakes is fundamental in this life process, because it offers us the opportunity to grow and strengthen ourselves, but what matters most is to understand that each of us is the CONSEQUENCES OF WHAT WE BELIEVE AND THINK; so the sooner we learn to TAKE CONTROL OF OUR EMOTIONS AND OUR MIND, the sooner we will stop wasting further time to achieve EXTERNAL goals that probably DO NOT INTEREST US BUT RATHER RESPECT SOCIETY’S STANDARDS.

Stop for a few minutes, several times a day, to get in touch with yourself and ask yourself: ” << If I do this, will I satisfy my desires? but then what effect will my behavior have on myself and those around me? This is a healthy way to discover and recognize what is good or bad for your personal life path.

”The awakening of the mind is the root of all happiness and peace and the greater our mental peace will be, the more pleasant the atmosphere around us will be >>..


DAYS TO BE REBORN is the title of my new research for this period of my life where…


  1. Molto profondo ciò che dici Sabrina, intenso in ogni sua parola. Sei molto razionale e riflessiva, comprendo la tua saggezza, il tuo modo di pensare e di agire e lo rispetto profondamente. Cercherò di prendere spunto da questa tua bellissima esternazione per riflettere ulteriormente e soffermarmi di più durante il percorso della mia vita anche se resto convinto che il mio essere una persona molto fisica, estremamente mentale e spirituale mi abbia permesso di vivere pienamente le infinite emozioni che la vita mi ha offerto in ogni suo aspetto.

  2. I Sogni sono fatti per le persone Coraggiose per tutte le altre ci sono i cassetti. 🙂
    Cio che consuma la tua mente, controlla la tua Vita.
    Un Abbraccio forte forte…….

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