Because life shouldn’t be thought about, it should be lived, someone said…

”My life surprises me and I fill myself with too many questions”.

 Being able to be in peace every now and then allows you to carry out cleaning work where your energy creates and reaches straight to the heart, where you don’t feel the need for something that doesn’t exist because in silence you find your secret weapon.


Such an unusual place that caught my attention a few days earlier.

I was walking near my house when I noticed this very bright window, the gray and red walls and a lot of BIG washing machines inside, so big that I could feel all my thoughts disappear and being centrifuged. I was enchanted staring at that window, when at a certain point I noticed the people sitting waiting for the end of their cycle to take back their staff. That day there were three men, one was working on the computer, another was staring at the machines and one was looking at me. We exchanged a smile .

That scene left a lasting impression on me so I decided to go back and experience the laundry for the first time. The noise was relaxing I started reading a book called: ”INTROVERTS AND HAPPY” which said exactly like this: ”if you have chosen this book your need is to be able to be at peace every now and then’ ‘. 

This desire is healthy and arises from the simple curiosity of our selfs to expand. The secret lies in giving our soul time to communicate with our conscious part, without oppressing it with useless, often negative thoughts that detach us from the essence of life itself. Too many things distract us in the world we live in and the only way to stay SOLID is to know ourselves in the most intimate way. To reach a high state and become master of your life, you need time, silence, peace, interaction with others, communication, your own calm space .

The screams of people, the immature knowledge of the path to peace, the constant dilemma of who you want to be or don’t want to be, the judgment that limits the masses and push them to stay sitter on their sofas and listen to the cruelty of others . As a human being, I recognize my limit and gain humility and more respect for life itself. BADNESS, SLAVERY, INJUSTICE…

However, there is someone like me that prefer to be in peace and calm and contribute to reconciling our planet.

Let’s challenge life and the challenges it gives us, let’s see them as our path to returning to a better universe.

It seems appropriate to do so… what do you think?

Too lazy to write a few lines?


DAYS TO BE REBORN is the title of my new research for this period of my life where…


  1. Mi hai catturato hai aperto una porta chiusa in me da tanto tempo dove tenevo le mie risate la mia gioia da troppo soppressa dai pensieri perché ? Grazie per aver risvegliato in me la voglia di sorridere anche da sola.Grazie

    1. La gratitudine e la parola ‘’grazie’’ è l’atto di alleanza che avvicina le masse, connette gli individui e permette a loro uno scambio di energia vitale.
      Quella che mi da l’entusiasmo di condividere con ognuno di voi le mie emozioni, e quindi grazie per la tua sensibile anima gentile

  2. Mi hai catturato hai aperto una porta chiusa in me da tanto tempo dove tenevo le mie risate la mia gioia da troppo soppressa dai pensieri perché ? Grazie per aver risvegliato in me la voglia di sorridere anche da sola.Grazie

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